Call opening for WINS Fellowship

The Research Fellowship for Women in Science of the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) Bio-Inspired Materials seeks to support the professional development of outstanding female researchers.

Are you a female researcher searching for a postdoctoral fellowship in a top-level research group in the field of Materials Science (Chemistry, Biology or Physics) in Switzerland? Then read on:

The external page Research Fellowship for Women in Science of the external page Swiss National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) Bio-Inspired Materials seeks to support the professional development of outstanding female researchers who have already demonstrated excellence at an early stage of their careers and wish to pursue an academic career.

The fellowship supports the residency of a researcher in the laboratory of one of the external page research groups (at ETHZ, EPFL or University of Fribourg) of the NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials for 24 months. The grant is designed to fund original research ideas of the applicants and to leverage impact through integration within the NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials and its international network. While being fully integrated in the NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials, the fellows have the possibility to apply to all other NCCR programs, grants and support actions for NCCR members (such the pregnancy support grant, the independence grant, and others).

The deadline for application is January 31, 2022 and one fellowship will be awarded in this call on a competitive basis. Candidates will be selected based on their track record as a researcher, their potential to grow into academic leaders, the quality and originality of the project proposal, the match of the proposal with the overall theme of the NCCR Bio-inspired Materials, the feasibility of the proposed project in the host laboratory, and the anticipated synergies that arise from the integration into the NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials. Short listed candidates will be invited to give a talk which will be followed by an interview.

To apply and for further information concerning the Research Fellowship Program for Women in Science of the NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials, please visit the NCCR external page webpage or contact the NCCR coordinator at .

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