News & Events
Goodbye ETH - we are moving to Cornell!

We have packed all instruments and laboratory items and we are moving to Cornell University.
Paper published

Rob's paper is now published in the Journal of Glaciology.
New preprint online

Aleks' preprint is online, describing a new surface coating technique that completely repels phase-separated droplets in aqueous buffer.
Paper published

Stefanie's, Rob's and Eric's paper on Strain Stiffening Elastomers With Swelling Inclusions is now published in Soft Matter.
BML conference

Aleks, Eric, Gianna and Lotta attended the BML Cellular Matters Conference in Ascona, Ticino.
New preprint online

Tom's preprint on the dynamics of stress granules is online.
Lab visitors

Aleks and Teagan are visiting us.
Alex graduates

Congrats! Alex successfully defended his PhD thesis on 10th May 2023.
New preprint online

Carla's preprint on Elastic Microphase Separation is online.
Carla and Rob give talks

Carla and Rob gave invited talks in Rome and Strasbourg last week.
New preprint online

Dominic's and Rob's preprint on the role of polycrystallinity on freezing damage around ice is online.
Poster prize for Carla

Congratulations to Carla for winning a poster prize at the APS March Meeting.
APS March Meeting

Eric and Carla gave talks at the APS March Meeting 2023 in Las Vegas.
EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship for Tom

Our graduated PhD, Dr. Thomas Böddeker, has received an EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Paper published

Alba's and Eric's paper on controlled-radical polymerization to control phase separation is now published in Angewandte Chemie.
New students

Dominique and Oriane joined our lab.
Next step of our PhDs

Find out where our recently graduated PhDs work now.
Paper published

Stefanie's paper on PDMS rupture is out! Congratulations!
Further career paths of our PostDocs

Find out where some of our Post Docs have recently moved on to.
We're hiring!

Apply here if you would like to join as a post-doctoral researcher at Cornell University.