Carla awarded ETH Postdoctoral Fellowship

Congrats Carla! Carla has been awarded the ETH Postdoctoral Fellowship, which aims at supporting young postdoctoral candidates with excellent scientific record.
Perspective published

Carla and co-authors published a Perspective on JACS Au, with the title "Putting the squeeze on phase separation".
Call opening for WINS Fellowship

The Research Fellowship for Women in Science of the Swiss National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) Bio-Inspired Materials seeks to support the professional development of outstanding female researchers.
Marlène joins the lab

Marlène Saulais, a PhD student from the LGP2 lab at the University of Grenoble Alpes, will join our lab for three months to work on structural color.
Paper published

The surface tension of soft silicone gels changes with deformation state in the new paper from Nicolas and co-authors, recently published in Physical Review Letters.
Yanxia joins the lab

Yanxia Feng joins the lab as a doctoral student.
Paper published

Artificial protein droplets mimic living systems in the new paper from Andrea and co-authors, recently published on Nature Communications.
Lab retreat

We organised an in-person retreat in the Swiss Alps last September. A two-days event rich of personal and scientific discussions, fun moments and workshops!
Photos from Scientifica

The photos of the exhibition of our laboratory at Scientifica 2021.
Paper published

Sai and Yasir's paper has been recently published on Small. In this work Yasir and Sai, inspired by living organisms, demonstrate a simple method to dramatically increase the refractive index of commercial polymers, loading them with plant-based pigments.
Nan joins the lab

Nan Xue joined the lab as postdoctoral researcher.
Katrina gives a talk

Katrina gave a talk at the opening event for Scientifica 2021.
Nicolas gives a talk

Nicolas gave a talk during a workshop at Les Houches Summer School organised by the GDR MePhy (Mécanique et Physique des Systèmes Complexes).
Outreach event

The lab will participate at Scientifica 2021, the outreach event from ETH Zürich and the University of Zürich where you can touch by hand the science done in Zürich!
Carla joins the lab

Carla Fernandez Rico joins the Soft and Living Materials Group as a postdoctoral researcher
Rob gives a talk

Rob gave a talk at the International Webinar on Gels and Networks, organised by the University of Tokyo.
Paper published

In a new paper in PRX, Jinyoung Kim and his co-authors have demonstrated a new way to overcome contact angle hysteresis for soft materials.
Andrea wins prize

Andrea won the prize for "Best Image" at the MaP Symposium 2021, with a picture of time projections of fluorescent nanoparticles, showing the flow lines inside a droplet under an external gradient.
Paper published

Eric’s long-time collaborators Vinod Saranathan and Richard Prum, have recently discovered the first three dimensional photonic crystals made from protein.
Paper published

In Alba's paper, structural color emerges spontaneously in one step thanks to phase-separation in the solid state.