Frank Scheffold visits our lab

Frank Scheffold visited our lab, as well as other groups in the ETH Materials Department, on June 26th. He collaborates with us on bio-inspired optical materials as part of an NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials project.
New students join the lab

Three new students (Greta, Maddalena and Sabrina) joined our lab and will stay with us until the end of the summer.
Lab retreat

The Soft and Living Materials annual lab retreat happened last weekend! We went to Melchtal, in the Swiss Alps, to discuss the group mission and how we are doing as a lab.
Keynote lecture

Eric gave a keynote lecture at the International Soft Matter Conference 2019 in Edinburgh with the title "Phase-separation in an elastic matrix: from living cells to synthetic materials".
Article published

Congrats Paolo! Paolo's work on shape memory magnetic soft gels has been published on the latest issue of Advanced Materials. The work is the result of a collaboration between our group and the Mesoscopic Systems group based at ETH and PSI.