Independence Grant for Lotta
Lotta got an Independence Grant from the NCCR Bio-inspired Materials.
Research plan defense
Yanxia successfully defended her PhD research plan. Congratulations!
Sai graduates
Congrats! Sai successfully defended her thesis on 6th Dec.
Alba graduates
Congrats! Alba successfully defended her thesis on 5th Dec.
Tom graduates
Congrats! Tom successfully defended his thesis on 1st Dec.
Nan gave talk
Nan gave a talk at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the APS.
SNF grant for Rob
Rob got an SNF grant to freeze water in soft materials.
New students
New Bachelor's and Master's students joined the lab.
Book chapter published
Eric's book chapter was published in the Les Houches Lecture Notes "Active Matter and Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics".
Swiss Soft Days
Alex, Carla, Lotta and Rob attended Swiss Soft Days.
Eric becomes APS fellow
Eric has been elected as a 2022 APS fellow!
Research plan defense
Gianna successfully defended her PhD research plan. Congratulations!
Lab retreat
We went on lab retreat for two days.
SoftLiv goes ISMC
Ten people from our lab went to the International Soft Matter Conference in Poznań, Poland.
Dominic won poster prize
Congratulations to Dominic who won a poster prize at the Materials and Processes symposium at ETH.
Maria, Lotta and Tom gave talks
Maria, Lotta and Tom gave talks at the DPG conference in Regensburg, Germany.
Paper published
Simon's, Robert's and Rob's paper on soft, tough and highly swelling composite materials is now published in Soft Matter.
Maria and Rob gave talks
Maria and Rob gave talks at conferences.
Paper published
Maria’s paper on the artistic patterns of the cell wall of diatoms formed by phase separation is published in PNAS.
Paper published
Dominic's and Rob's paper on stress accumulation around ice in a temperature gradient has just been published in PNAS.